MoMU Career Opportunities: Grads AHOY!

Grads AHOY!

Friday, June 27, 2008

How is everyone spending their holidays? Glad exams are over? I myself just touched down in ol' KL last night and I can't wait to get out and rehaunt my favourite places!

For some of you, this is your last break before finishing off your university studies forever. Well, MoMU thought we could be the bearers of good news for you guys - especially if you were planning to head back home to work.

The GRADUAN fair is being held at Arrow on Swanston on the 6th of September 2008. It's basically a gathering of many Malaysian firms who are interested in recruiting the (almost) fresh young graduates who are in their penultimate year of study. After clearing any doubts at the fair, you can conveniently submit your resumes from the 7th to the 9th of September to

For information check out the email we sent out, or just visit GRADUAN here.

Enjoy your break!